Wednesday, 26 August 2009

豐富有益嘅早餐 Healthy Breakfast

Mushroom, Baked Tomato Egg with Tartine. 有無餐廳 Feel 呢??

唔好以為好複雜, 其實好簡單. 只不過用不到十分鐘, 就可以做出這豐富嘅早餐啦!!

Tips: before putting the egg in the tomato, add some drops (2 - 3) tabasco will be even more delicious!!


Anonymous said...

What is tartine?

令我諗起嗰 d Full English Breakfast!

Suk Han ^_^

陸家廚房 said...

Tartine... It means bread or toasted french bread!! 喺咪懶特別呢!! 喺 MasterChef 嗰度學返嚟!!