Recently, I finally found a recipe for making a chocolate fondant, as before I can only find the recipes for chocolate pudding.
Actually, it’s a lovely dessert which recalls my memory when I was in HK … chatting and laughing with my best friends after delicious meal in a small cafe in Kowloon Tong!!
The recipe is listed below:
1. Turn the oven on to 180 degree.
2. Brush the insides of the aluminium mould with soft butter, then spoon in some cocoa powder. Turn the mould in a circular motion and tap until the inside surface is fully covered with the cocoa powder.
3. Place the (50g) dark chocolate and (25g) butter in the heat-proof bowl, and place it over a pan of bowling water. Leave it to melt.
4. Beat the (2) eggs in a separate bowl. Slowly incorporate sugar. Mix until airy and fluffy.
5. Sieve the (25g) all purpose flour into the melted chocolate-butter mixture. Mix until no flour crumbles are seen.
6. Now add the egg mixture into the chocolate-butter mixture so they are both in the same bowl.
7. Pour the mixture into the prepared aluminium mould. Place into the oven for 8 – 10 minutes.
8. Serve with ice-cream, seasonal fruits (Mango slices and puree sauce) and a sprinkle of icing sugar.
Unfortunately, I failed to make it ---- the chocolate inside didn’t melt and come out as expected. Anyway, it still looks pretty good, doesn’t it? I will try it again.
Hope to share a successful one with you all very soon.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
One of My Favor Desserts – Chocolate Fondant
Labels: 我的廚房
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Parmesan Lamb Cutlet with Green Bean Salad
As per some requests, below is the cooking steps :
Parmesan Lamb Cutlet
1. Dip the cutlet in flour (shake off the excess) and egg, coat in the mixture of breadcrumb and shredded parmesan.
2. Arrange the cutlets in a single layer on a plate, cover and chill for at least 30 mins.
3. Preheat the oven to 180 degree with fan.
4. Grill the cutlets in the oven for 12 - 15 mins. Turn it over after 10 mins.
(Since the cutlet is coated with the mixture, even grilling the texture is still very soften and juicy)
Green Bean Salad
1. Cook the green beans in boiling water with salt for 2 - 3 mins.
2. Afterwards, transfer the beans immediately to ice-water bowl and chill
3. Cut a small red onion in thin slice
4. Blend 1 small garlic clove, 3 pieces of lemon skin, 2 tbs of fresh lemon juice, 3 tbs of extra-virgin olive oil, 1 tbs of sugar, pinch of coarse salt and pepper
(After blending, the sauce looks like a creamy puree but it is very healthy)
5. Combine the green beans, red onion and the sauce mixture when serving
Labels: 我的廚房
Monday, 2 November 2009
經過一次不是太成功的經驗, 雖然太太都覺得口感及味道唔錯, 看似在香港吃到的KFC鬆餅 (比較大了一點...) 估唔到第二次就可以成功做到好似一些高級酒店裡所吃到的英式Scone作為我倆星期六的Afternoon Tea.
其實, 在澳洲很多Cafe都可以買到所謂的Scone, 但實質上,它的口感卻比較像一般的麵包, 我就覺得根本談不上做Scone, 可能他們原意就不是要做那些英式的Scone吧!?
再配合最近添置嘅茶具, 更増添幾分品味...
如有興趣, 可以參考以下Recipe 的網址 (而且提供埋Video, 包保每個程序都好清楚) Scone
Labels: 我的廚房
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Waffle with Ice-cream & Fresh Fruit
After buying the Waffle Maker, this is another one of my delicious dessert!!
- Maple Syrup and Icing sugar on the Waffle
- Vanila Ice-cream with crunchy chocolate coating
- Fresh Kiwifruit and Strawberry in slice
Labels: 我的廚房
Thursday, 10 September 2009
點解健康? 因為少油。。。
一般肉絲炒麵,都會先將麵條放入滾油裏煎到兩面金黃色(俗稱:兩面黃)。 但我嘗試用焗爐Grill 幾分鐘,同樣都可以做出兩面黃的效果。 哈哈!! 真估唔到,我真係都有啲下廚天份!!
Labels: 我的廚房
Friday, 28 August 2009
Creme Brulee
第一次嘗試就成功了... 法式甜品 - Creme Brulee!!
老婆多次要求要吃特式甜品, 不可以再只是紅豆沙, 綠豆沙... 例如: Creme Brulee 或 Cheese Souffle, 終於在上網找到食譜, 其實都好簡單又可以還佢心願啦!!
Labels: 我的廚房
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
好"正"嘅海鮮喇沙 Delicious Seafood Laksa
喺唔喺都好吸引呢? 真係估唔到, 移民嚟到澳洲, 不單只有空閒時間同興趣研究一下 Cooking, 又真嘅可以照住啲 Recipes 造出唔同嘅菜式...
再加上, 大部分所需用嘅 Ingredients 又唔難買到.
完成後, 又有滿足感... 吃完後, 就更有飽足感... 哈哈!!
Labels: 我的廚房
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Friday, 3 July 2009
Extraordinary Pantene Commercial
This is really simple and brilliant. The story of a deaf and mute girl who learns to play the violin against all. One of the most touching advertisements.
Labels: Video
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
真是要命!! 如果不是有字幕, 你能聽得出他在說甚麼?
Labels: Videos
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Susan Boyle LIVE Birmingham UK
She's really got a talent!! Great Voice ....
Labels: Videos
Monday, 15 June 2009
COME PLAY! - World Cup in Australia
Enjoy this wonderful land with great passion in sports!! Australia, not only for Swimming, Crickets, Ruby, etc. Football!!
Friday, 5 June 2009
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Delicious Dish
Actually, I found a lot of fun after migrated to Australia. Although, it takes times to fit in. Obviously, I got more spare time to do what ever I want, no matter reading and travel around.
The greatest enjoygable things are searching the recipes on the Internet and take action to do it.
Useful URL:
Donna Hay
Martha Stewart
Labels: 我的廚房
New Life
In the past, my life is so busy and always have to travel a lot for business purpose.
Actually, I did travel to many different places. Bangkok, Singapore, Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Jarkata, Shanghai, Xiamen, Dalian, New York and Florida.
After I migrated to Australia, I found the real meaning of life.